
Congratulations on Registering…

You’re in for The Nail Your Marketing Message 5-Day Challenge!!

You’ll be getting an email shortly to confirm the details.

If you don’t see it in the next 15 minutes, please check your Junk folder.

(Sometimes, email filters can be a little over-eager and emails we’ve asked for end up in the wrong place. If you’re using Gmail, this is especially common – just check the Promotions tab.)

While you’re waiting, here are 2 things you can do to maximize your experience with us:

  1. Add support@vanessalong.com to your Email Contacts so you won’t have to hunt for any future emails.
  2. Head on over to our Facebook group, The PowerHouse: Magic Money and Mastery for Women, and let me know that you’re in for creating the business of your dreams.

Great! Thank you!

If you have any questions, or if that first email loses its way, please contact us at support@vanessalong.com and we’ll make it right.

Blessings and grace,


P.S. Your email is on it’s way and we’re going to have an awesome time working together to create a marketing message that touches the soul of your Ideal Client and draws them near.

This isn’t going to be fluff – we’re going to get in there and re-make your message – or build you a shiny new one if you don’t have one yet.

See you there!